Boustead Records PAT RM87.4 Million – Returns to the Black After Six Consecutive Quarters of Losses

KEY HIGHLIGHTS Boustead returns to the black after 6 consecutive quarters of losses Profit Before Taxation and Zakat surged at RM121.3 million EBITDA at RM274.2 million, improvement of 156%   KUALA LUMPUR, 31 May 2021 – Boustead Holdings Berhad (Boustead) returns to the black in the first quarter ended 31 March 2021 (Q1 FY2021) with…

Boustead Holdings Berhad’s clarification on news article titled “Speculation rife about Boustead’s MD Shazalli Ramly heading to LTAT”

KUALA LUMPUR, 29 APRIL 2021: We refer to the news article titled “Speculation rife about Boustead’s MD Shazalli Ramly heading to LTAT” which appeared on the online news portal The Edge Markets on Wednesday 28 April 2021, 4.46pm. We wish to clarify that such changes of leadership at Boustead Holdings Berhad (Boustead) as reported by…

Boustead Holdings Berhad’s clarification on news article titled “Exclusive: Shazalli is tipped to be new LTAT CEO”

KUALA LUMPUR, 29 APRIL 2021: We refer to the news article titled “Exclusive: Shazalli is tipped to be new LTAT CEO” which first appeared on the The Star Online on Wednesday 28 April 2021, 1.41pm. We wish to clarify that such changes of leadership at Boustead Holdings Berhad (Boustead) as reported by the article are…

Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera Dan Boustead Holdings Berhad Bersepakat Untuk Kepentingan Masa Hadapan

Kuala Lumpur, 2 Februari 2021 – Lembaga Pengarah Boustead Holdings Berhad (“Boustead” atau “Kumpulan”) hari ini telah menerima pemakluman daripada Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (“LTAT”) bahawa Cadangan Penswastaan (“Cadangan”) tidak akan diteruskan buat masa ini. Keputusan ini dicapai setelah mengambil kira pelbagai faktor risiko dalam menjalankan Cadangan tersebut, terutamanya keadaan ekonomi semasa yang mencabar kesan daripada…

Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera and Boustead Holdings Berhad Jointly-Aligned on the Way Forward

Kuala Lumpur, 2 February 2021 – The Board of Boustead Holdings Berhad (“Boustead” or the “Group”) has today received a notification from Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (“LTAT”) informing that the Privatization Proposal (“Proposal”) will not be pursued at this juncture. This decision was reached after taking into account the various risk factors in implementing the Proposal,…

Boustead Holdings Berhad is commited to upholding integrity and anti-corruption practices

Kuala Lumpur, 2 December 2020 – Boustead Holdings Berhad (“Boustead” or the “Company”) reiterates the Company’s commitment to uphold the highest standards of integrity, accountability and professionalism in the conduct of its businesses throughout its operations and subsidiaries. Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation Berhad (“BHIC”), a subsidiary of Boustead, is a company with diverse interests in…